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Component: Robot

This component is provided by the Robot. The functions below can be called in the Lua interpreter using =component.robot.function(). To make robot function calls more intuitive, a Robot API exists as a wrapper around the component functions, providing additional functionality (which is summarized in the API page).
Component name: robot.

Base Methods

  • durability():number
    Get the durability of the currently equipped tool.
  • move(direction:number):boolean
    Move in the specified direction. Valid movement sides are: front, back, top, bottom (see Sides).
  • turn(clockwise:boolean):boolean
    Rotate in the specified direction.
  • name():string
    Get the name of the robot.
  • swing(side:number):boolean[, string]
    Lets the robot use the currently equipped item in the tool slot against the block or space directly in front of the robot. Returns true if successful (may take time depending on block being interacted with - e.g.. Obsidian takes time to mine). Returns false if the operation fails with a description of why it failed.
  • use(side: number[, sneaky: boolean[, duration: number]]): boolean[, string]
    Attempts to use the item currently equipped in the tool slot in the same way as if the player would make a right-click.
    side - if given the robot will try to 'right-click' only on the surface as specified by side, otherwise the robot will try all possible sides. See the Sides API for a list of possible sides.
    sneaky - if set to true the robot will simulate a sneak-right-click (like if the player would be using shift during a right-click). Some items (like buckets) will behave differently if this is set to true.
    duration - how long the item is used. This is useful when using charging items like a bow.
    Returns: true if the robot could interact with the block or entity in front of it, false otherwise. If successful the secondary parameter describes what the robot interacted with and will be one of 'blockactivated', 'itemplaced', 'iteminteracted' or 'itemused'.
    This function has a very broad use as the robot can simulate right-clicks with most items. The only difference to players is that the robot cannot use items that specifically require the user to be an entity as the robot is a block. So drinking potions, eating food or throwing an ender pearl will fail.
    This functions secondary return value can be used to determine what the result of the right-click caused. Which of the item results is returned is not always obvious and requires some testing beforehand. Also note that while robots are not affected by harmful potions they can be destroyed by explosions, so be careful when you place, throw or activate any form of explosives with this function. Possible values for the second return value:
    • block_activated - a block was activated (like levers, switches or doors).
    • item_interacted - the equipped tool interacted with the world, for example sheers when used on a sheep.
    • item_placed - something was placed into the world. This is not only caused by placeable blocks, but as well by items that cause blocks or entities to appear in the world (like flint and stone or mob eggs).
    • item_used - the equipped was activated, like a splash-potion.
    • air - the equipped item requires a target but there was none. Note that if your robot has an Angel upgrade, this will never be returned, however some actions might still cause no effect.
  • place(side: number[, sneaky: boolean]): boolean[, string]
    Tries to place the block in the currently selected inventory slot on the specified side of the robot (if the side is supported). If sneaky is set to true, the robot will simulate a sneak-placement (shift-click). Returns true if successfully placed. Returns false if the operation fails. If an unsupported value is provided as a parameter, the operation will fail with a description of why it failed.
  • getLightColor():number
    Get the current color of the activity(robot) or flap(drone) light as an integer encoded RGB value (0xRRGGBB).
  • setLightColor(value:number):number
    Set the color of the activity(robot) or flap(drone) light to the specified integer encoded RGB value (0xRRGGBB).

Internal Inventory Methods

  • inventorySize():number
    Returns the size of the device's internal inventory.
  • select([slot:number]):number
    Get the currently selected slot; set the selected slot if specified.
  • count([slot:number]):number
    Get the number of items in the specified slot, otherwise in the selected slot.
  • space([slot:number]):number
    Get the remaining space in the specified slot, otherwise in the selected slot.
  • compareTo(otherSlot:number):boolean
    Compare the contents of the selected slot (in the robot inventory) to the contents of the specified slot (also in the robot inventory).
  • transferTo(toSlot:number[, amount:number]):boolean
    Move the specified amount of items from the selected slot into the specified slot. If no amount is specified, the entire stack is moved to the target slot.
  • tankCount():number
    Returns the number of tanks installed in the robot.
  • selectTank(tank:number)
    Selects the specified tank (if robot contains more than one Tank upgrade). Any tank operations will use this tank.
  • tankLevel([tank:number]):number
    Returns the fluid level in the specified tank. If no tank specified, returns the fluid level in the selected tank (using selectTank()).
  • tankSpace([tank:number]):number
    Returns the remaining fluid capacity (empty space) in the specified tank. If not tank specified, returns the remaining capacity in the selected tank.
  • compareFluidTo(tank:number):boolean
    Tests whether the fluid in the selected tank (in the robot inventory) is the same as in the specified tank (requires Tank upgrade).
  • transferFluidTo(tank:number[, count:number]):boolean
    Transfer the specified amount of fluid in the selected tank into the specified tank. If no volume is specified, the robot will attempt to transfer 1000mB.

External Inventory Methods

  • detect(side:number):boolean
    Detects the block on the given side, relative to the robot, and returns whether or not the robot can move into the block, as well as a general description of the block. Returns true if the block will prevent the robot from moving forward, false otherwise. Drones return true even if the block is passable.

    side - See the Sides API for a list of possible sides.

  • compareFluid(side:number):boolean Compares fluid in the selected tank (requires a Tank upgrade) to fluid in the world or in an external tank on the specified side of the robot.
  • drain(side:number[, count:number]):boolean
    Extracts the specified amount of fluid from the world or a tank on the specified side of the robot. If no amount is specified, the robot will try to drain 1000mB. If the tank is unable to store the specified amount of fluid, the operation will fail (no fluid is lost in the process).
  • fill(side:number[, count:number]):boolean
    Fills the specified amount of fluid from the selected tank (requires a Tank upgrade) into the world or a tank in front of the robot. If no amount is specified, the robot will try to fill the target tank with 1000mB of fluid. If there is not enough fluid to fill a block, or not enough space in the target tank, the operation will fail with no fluids lost.
  • compare(side:number[, fuzzy:boolean=false]):boolean Compares the block on the specified side of the robot with the item in the currently selected slot and returns whether they are the same or not. Blocks are considered identical if the type and metadata match; additional ItemStack information is not checked. Empty blocks are considered as air blocks, which cannot be compared to an empty inventory slot; the detect() function can be used to determine if there is a block in front of the robot. For blocks that drop a different item, the compare() method won't work (eg: Diamond block dropping diamond items); for these cases, use silk-touch to obtain a block for comparison.
  • drop(side:number[, count:number]):boolean
    Drops the specified number of items from the currently selected slot. Returns true if at least one item is dropped, false otherwise. If the block in front of the robot is an inventory, the robot will try to place the item into the inventory. If the inventory doesn't accept the item, the item is not dropped into the world (the operation will fail and return false). Robots themselves are considered blocks with an inventory, and items can be moved into them using the drop() function. The drop() function will not work on non-item inventories, such as fluid tanks (the use() function works for these cases).
  • suck(side:number[, count:number]):boolean
    Tries to pick up the specified number of items and place it in the selected slot. If the selected slot is occupied, items will be placed in the first available slot. Returns the number of items sucked else false.
