Component: Debug

This component is provided by the Debug Card.

Component name: debug.

The Debug Card, which is only available in creative mode, provides a set of fairly dangerous functionality for use in setting things up to debug and test code. Do not use the Debug Card without backups. No, really. One time I accidentally converted a vertical slice of the world entirely to Sign objects with no writing on them.

The debug card's “container” refers to the robot, computer or tablet with a debug card installed in it.

On a dedicated server the debug card must be bound to a player by shift-right-clicking with it to run commands using the runCommand callback. The bound player needs to have permission to use the command provided to runCommand.


  • changeBuffer(value:number):number
    Changes the component network's energy buffer by the specified delta.
  • connectToBlock(x:number, y:number, z:number):boolean
    Connect the debug card to an opencomputers-compatible block at the specified coordinates.
  • getPlayer(name:string):userdata
    Get the entity of a player.
  • getPlayers():table
    Get a list of currently logged-in players.
  • getWorld([id:number]):userdata
    Get the world object for the specified dimension ID, or the container's.
  • getWorlds():table
    Get a list of all world IDs, loaded and unloaded.
  • getX():number
    Get the container's X position in the world.
  • getY():number
    Get the container's Y position in the world.
  • getZ():number
    Get the container's Z position in the world.
  • isModLoaded(name:string):boolean
    Get whether a mod or API is loaded.
  • runCommand(command:string):number, string
    Runs an arbitrary command using a fake player. The first return value will be 1 if the command ran successfully, or 0 otherwise. The second return value will contain what the command returned, or an error message. If the command doesn't return anything, such as /me, the second value will be nil.
  • test():userdata
    Test method for user-data and general value conversion.
  • getScoreboard():userdata
    Get the scoreboard object for the world
  • sendToDebugCard(address:string, data...)
    Sends data to the debug card with the specified address.
  • sendToClipboard(player:string, text:string)
    Sends text to the specified player's clipboard if possible.
  • scanContentsAt(x: number, y: number, z: number[, worldId: number]):boolean, string, table
    Returns contents at the location in world by id (defaults to host world). This method behaves the same as the move check for the robot and drone. The first return value is a boolean indicating whether a robot or drone would be able to enter the location (true means it would be blocked and cannot move into that space). The second return is a string value short name of the type of obstruction. Possible values here include: EntityLivingBase, EntityMinecart, air, liquid, replaceable, passable, and solid.The final value returned is a serialized or table representation of the entity or block scanned at the location. The following code snippet can be used to debug what is possibly blocking the robot from moving forward, if the robot is facing in the negative x direction.
local debug = require("component").debug
local serialize = require("serialization").serialize
local x, y, z = debug.getX, debug.getY, debug.getZ
local offset_x = -1
local offset_z = 0
local blocking, label, content = debug.scanContentsAt(x() - .5 + offset_x, y() - .5, z() - .5 + offset_z)
print(blocking, label, serialize(content))

World Object

The world object reflects the current world (dimension) the container is in.

  • getMetadata(x:number, y:number, z:number):number
    Get the metadata of the block at the specified coordinates.
  • getBlockId(x:number, y:number, z:number):number
    Get the ID of the block at the specified coordinates.
  • getDimensionId():number
    Gets the numeric id of the current dimension.
  • isLoaded(x:number, y:number, z:number):number
    Check whether the block at the specified coordinates is loaded.
  • getSeed():number
    Gets the seed of the world.
  • removeFluid(amount:number, x:number, y:number, z:number, side:number):boolean
    Remove some fluid from a tank at the specified location.
  • insertFluid(id:string, amount:number, x:number, y:number, z:number, side:number):boolean
    Insert some fluid into the tank at the specified location.
  • getDimensionName():string
    Gets the name of the current dimension.
  • getTime():number
    Get the current world time.
  • setTime(value:number)
    Set the current world time.
  • getLightValue(x:number, y:number, z:number):number
    Get the light value (emission) of the block at the specified coordinates.
  • isRaining():boolean
    Returns whether it is currently raining.
  • setRaining(value:boolean)
    Sets whether it is currently raining.
  • isThundering():boolean
    Returns whether it is currently thundering.
  • setThundering(value:boolean)
    Sets whether it is currently thundering.
  • setBlock(x:number, y:number, z:number, id:number or string, meta:number):number
    Set the block at the specified coordinates.
  • setBlocks(x1:number, y1:number, z1:number, x2:number, y2:number, z2:number, id:number or string, meta:number):number
    Set all blocks in the area defined by the two corner points (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2).
  • removeItem(x:number, y:number, z:number, slot:number[, count:number]):number
    Reduce the size of an item stack in the inventory at the specified location.
  • insertItem(id:string, count:number, damage:number, nbt:string, x:number, y:number, z:number, side:number):boolean
    Insert an item stack into the inventory at the specified location. NBT tag is expected in JSON format.
  • getSpawnPoint():number, number, number
    Get the current spawn point coordinates.
  • setSpawnPoint(x:number, y:number, z:number)
    Set the spawn point coordinates.
  • canSeeSky(x:number, y:number, z:number):number
    Get whether the block at the specified coordinates is directly under the sky.
  • getLightOpacity(x:number, y:number, z:number):number
    Get the light opacity of the block at the specified coordinates.
  • hasTileEntity(x:number, y:number, z:number):number
    Check whether the block at the specified coordinates has a tile entity.
  • playSoundAt(x:number, y:number, z:number, sound:string, range:number)
    Play a sound at the specified coordinates.
  • getTileNBT(x:number, y:number, z:number):table
    Get the NBT of the block at the specified coordinates.
  • setTileNBT(x:number, y:number, z:number, nbt:table):boolean
    Set the NBT of the block at the specified coordinates.
  • getBlockState(x:number, y:number, z:number[, actualState:boolean=false])
    Gets the block state for the block at the specified position, optionally getting additional display related data

Player Object

A player object represents a given player in the world.

  • getWorld():userdata
    Get the player's world object.
  • getGameType():string
    Get the player's game type.
  • setGameType(gametype:string)
    Set the player's game type (survival, creative, adventure).
  • getHealth():number
    Get the player's health.
  • setHealth(health:number)
    Set the player's health.
  • getMaxHealth():number
    Get the player's max health.
  • getPosition():number, number, number
    Get the player's position.
  • setPosition(x:number, y:number, z:number)
    Set the player's position.
  • getExperienceTotal():number
    Get the player's total experience
  • getLevel():number
    Get the player's level
  • addExperienceLevel(level:number)
    Add a level to the player's experience level
  • removeExperienceLevel(level:number)
    Remove a level from the player's experience level
  • insertItem(id:string, amount:number, meta:number[, nbt:string]):number
    Adds the item stack to the players inventory
  • clearInventory()
    Clear the players inventory

Scoreboard Object

  • addObjective(objectiveName:string, objectiveCriteria:string)
    Create a new objective for the scoreboard
  • removeObjective(objectiveName:string)
    Remove an objective from the scoreboard
  • increasePlayerScore(playerName:string, objectiveName:string, score:int)
    Increases the score of a player for a certain objective
  • decreasePlayerScore(playerName:string, objectiveName:string, score:int)
    Decrease the score of a player for a certain objective
  • addPlayerToTeam(player:string, team:string):boolean
    Add a player to a team
  • removePlayerFromTeam(player:string, team:string):boolean
    Remove a player from a specific team
  • removePlayerFromTeams(player:string):boolean
    Remove a player from their team
  • addTeam(team:string)
    Add a team to the scoreboard
  • removeTeam(teamName: string)
    Remove a team from the scoreboard
  • getPlayerScore(playerName:string, objectiveName:string):int
    Gets the score of a player for a certain objective
  • setPlayerScore(playerName:string, objectiveName:string, score:int)
    Sets the score of a player for a certain objective