This component is provided by the geolyzer block.
Component name: geolyzer
scan(x:number, z:number[, y:number, w:number, d:number, h:number][, ignoreReplaceable:boolean|options:table]):table
, z
and y
. This will return a list of hardness values for the blocks in the specified range. The coordinates are relative to the location of the geolyzer. Size of the analyzed area can be optionally given with parameters w
, d
and h
which stand for width, depth and height, otherwise the area is assumed to be a single block at the specified offset.
euclidean distance to block * 1/33 * geolyzerNoise
where geolyzerNoise
is a mod config option with a default value of 2
, z
and y
), and size (w
, d
and h
) defines how many blocks it extends towards respectively: positive x, positive z and positive y coordinates. To figure out what elements in results table correspond to which coordinates, it should be interpreted as follows:
first, values go towards positive x, then towards positive z, then towards positive y. In other words, if the result was a 3D nested table which got converted to a linear table, innermost table would contain values going in the positive x direction, middle table going in the positive z direction, and the outermost going in the positive y direction. See the code snippet at the bottom for an example.
Note that the offset is always absolute in terms of facing direction. In other words if the geolyzer is installed in a robot, offset won't be affected by the robot's facing.
Note that the amount of values returned is always 64, even if the scan volume is only part of that. If 10 blocks are scanned, the first 10 values in the result represent those blocks scanned. The remaining values in the result should be ignored.
analyze(side:number[, options:table]):table
, metadata, hardness and some more information). Note that a single call to this consumes the same amount of energy a call to scan
setting in the, dbAddress:string, dbSlot:number):boolean
detect(side:number):boolean, string
(from the robot component). Detects the block on the given side, relative to the robot, and returns whether or not the robot can move into the block, as well as a general description of the block.true
if the robot if whatever is in front of the robot would prevent him from moving forward (a block or an entity) (Note: Drones return true
even if the block is passable
), false
otherwise. The second parameter describes what is in front in general and is one of either entity
, solid
, replaceable
, liquid
, passable
or air
Returns whether there is a clear line of sight to the sky directly above. Transparent blocks, e.g. glass don't affect the line of sight.isSunVisible():boolean
Returns whether the sun is currently visible directly above. The result is affected by possible blocks blocking the line of sight directly above (which can be checked with canSeeSky()
) and whether it's night or day.
Following code snippet can be used to get a grasp of how the scan
function works in practice. It scans an area of specified size at a specified offset, saves the returned data along with correct offsets from the geolyzer block (or robot) and prints those.
local component = require("component") local geolyzer = component.geolyzer local offsetx = 4 local offsetz = -3 local offsety = -5 local sizex = 3 local sizez = 4 local sizey = 5 local map = {} local scanData = geolyzer.scan(offsetx, offsetz, offsety, sizex, sizez, sizey) local i = 1 for y = 0, sizey - 1 do for z = 0, sizez - 1 do for x = 0, sizex - 1 do -- alternatively when thinking in terms of 3-dimensional table: map[offsety + y][offsetz + z][offsetx + x] = scanData[i] map[i] = {posx = offsetx + x, posy = offsety + y, posz = offsetz + z, hardness = scanData[i]} i = i + 1 end end end for i = 1, sizex*sizez*sizey do print(map[i].posx, map[i].posy, map[i].posz, map[i].hardness) end
Components | 3D Printer - Abstract Bus - Access Point - Chunkloader - Computer - Crafting - Data Card - Database - Debug - Drone - Drive - EEPROM - Experience - Filesystem - Generator - Geolyzer - GPU - Hologram - Internet - Inventory Controller - Leash - Microcontroller - Modem - Motion Sensor - Navigation - Net Splitter - Piston - Redstone - Redstone in Motion - Robot - Screen - Sign - Tank Controller - Tractor Beam - Transposer - Tunnel - World Sensor | |
Others | Component Access - Signals | |
Cross-Mod Integration | Applied Energistics |