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Component: Transposer

This component is provided by the Transposer.

Component name: transposer.


  • transferFluid(sourceSide:number, sinkSide:number, count:number):number
    Transfer some items between two inventories.
  • store(side:number, slot:number, dbAddress:string, dbSlot:number):boolean
    Store an item stack description in the specified slot of the database with the specified address.
  • compareStackToDatabase(side:number, slot:number, dbAddress:string, dbSlot:number, checkNBT:boolean=false):boolean
    Compare an item in the specified slot in the inventory on the specified side with one in the database with the specified address.
  • getSlotStackSize(side:number, slot:number):number
    Get number of items in the specified slot of the inventory on the specified side of the device.
  • getSlotMaxStackSize(side:number, slot:number):number
    Get the maximum number of items in the specified slot of the inventory on the specified side of the device.
  • getInventoryName(side:number):string
    Get the the name of the inventory on the specified side of the device.
  • getInventorySize(side:number):number
    Get the number of slots in the inventory on the specified side of the device.
  • getFluidInTank(side:number , tank:number):table
    Get a description of the fluid in the the specified tank on the specified side.
  • getTankLevel(side:number , tank:number):number
    Get the amount of fluid in the specified tank on the specified side.
  • transferItem(sourceSide:number, sinkSide:number, count:number, sourceSlot:number, sinkSlot:number):number
    Transfer some items between two inventories.
  • compareStacks(side:number, slotA:number, slotB:number, checkNBT:boolean=false):boolean
    Get whether the items in the two specified slots of the inventory on the specified side of the device are of the same type.
  • areStacksEquivalent(side:number, slotA:number, slotB:number):boolean
    Get whether the items in the two specified slots of the inventory on the specified side of the device are equivalent (have shared OreDictionary IDs).
  • getTankCount(side:number):number
    Get the number of tanks available on the specified side.
  • getStackInSlot(side:number, slot:number):table
    Get a description of the stack in the inventory on the specified side of the device.
  • getTankCapacity(side:number , tank:number):number
    Get the capacity of the specified tank on the specified side.
  • getAllStacks(side:number):userdata
    Get a description of all stacks in the inventory on the specified side of the device.