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Component: Drive

This component is provided by Floppy Disks or Hard Disk Drives in Unmanaged mode (for Managed mode, see Filesystem)

Component name: drive.

  • readByte(offset:number):number
    Read a single byte at the specified offset.
  • writeByte(offset:number, value:number)
    Write a single byte to the specified offset.
  • getSectorSize():number
    Returns the size of a single sector on the drive, in bytes.
  • getLabel():string
    Get the current label of the drive.
  • setLabel(value:string):string
    Sets the label of the drive. Returns the new value, which may be truncated.
  • readSector(sector:number):string
    Read the current contents of the specified sector.
  • writeSector(sector:number, value:string)
    Write the specified contents to the specified sector.
  • getPlatterCount():number
    Returns the number of platters in the drive.
  • getCapacity():number
    Returns the total capacity of the drive, in bytes.