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Component: Internet

This component is provided by the Internet Card

Component name: internet.

  • isTcpEnabled():boolean
    Returns whether TCP connections can be made (config setting).
  • isHttpEnabled():boolean
    Returns whether HTTP requests can be made (config setting).
  • connect(address:string[, port:number]):userdata
    Opens a new TCP connection. Returns the handle of the connection.
  • request(url:string[, postData:string[, headers:table]]):userdata
    Sends a new HTTP request. Returns the handle of the connection.

TCP Socket Object

  • read([n:number]):string
    Tries to read data from the socket stream. Returns the read byte array.
  • close()
    Closes an open socket stream.
  • write(data:string):number
    Tries to write data to the socket stream. Returns the number of bytes written.
  • finishConnect():boolean
    Ensures a socket is connected. Errors if the connection failed.
  • id():string Returns the id for this socket.

After calling finishConnect or read, this socket generates a signal named internet_ready whenever new data is available to be read. It has one parameter which is the socket id.

HTTP Request Object

  • read([n:number]):string
    Tries to read data from the response. Returns the read byte array.
  • response():number, string, table
    Get response code, message and headers.
  • close()
    Closes an open socket stream.
  • finishConnect():boolean
    Ensures a response is available. Errors if the connection failed.
