**This is an old revision of the document!**

Component: Hologram

This component is provided by the Hologram Projector.
These can be used to create holographic projections in a resolution of 48x32x48, over a maximum area of 9x6x9 blocks. Tier two holograms do not provide a higher resolution, instead they allow using up to three colors in the displayed hologram (as opposed to just one for the tier one hologram).

Component name: hologram.

  • clear()
    Clears the hologram.
  • get(x:number, y:number, z:number):number
    Returns the value at the specified position.
  • set(x:number, y:number, z:number, value:number or boolean)
    Set the value for the specified position.
  • fill(x:number, z:number[, minY:number], maxY:number, value:number)
    Fills an interval in the specified column column with the specified value. Will overwrite only the voxels in the interval. If minY is omitted it defaults to 1. The two interval ends are inclusive.
    Note: Before 1.3.3 there was no minY argument and all voxels below and including the specified height would be set, all voxels above would be unset.
  • copy(x:number, z:number, sx:number, sz:number, tx:number, tz:number)
    Copies an area of columns by the specified translation.
  • getScale():number
    Returns the current render scale of the hologram.
  • setScale(value:number)
    Set the render scale. A larger scale consumes more energy. The minimum scale is 0.33, where the hologram will fit in a single block space, the maximum scale is 3, where the hologram will take up a 9x6x9 block space.
  • getTranslation:number, number, number Return the current translation offset.
  • setTranslation(x:number, y:number, z:number) Set the translation vector. The hologram display will be offset by this vector from its normal location. The maximum allowable translation is a function of tier. Units are the hologram's size, so the distance translated increases and decreases with scale as well.
  • maxDepth():number
    The color depth supported by the hologram.
  • getPaletteColor(index:number):number
    Get the hex color defined for the specified value.
  • setPaletteColor(index:number, value:number):number
    Set the hex color defined for the specified value.

Simple example program that allows setting individual voxels:

local component = require("component")
local hologram = component.hologram
local args = {...}
hologram.set(tonumber(args[1]), tonumber(args[2]), tonumber(args[3]), args[4] == "true" or args[4] == "on")

Example use (assuming it's saved as holo-set.lua):
# holo-set 16 8 20 true

Further examples:

  • Holo Flow
    This program generates a heightmap and 'moves' across it over time, creating the effect of a flowing terrain.
  • Holo Text
    This program generates a random heightmap and displays scrolling text above it.

Note, the second example is quite a bit more advanced then the first. Important: both scripts also need the noise.lua script to be in the same folder.
