**This is an old revision of the document!**


OC 模组提供了若干可合成的软盘(不能作为战利品获得,例如从地牢箱子中获得)。其中最值得注意的是OpenOS操作系统软盘,它是用来安装OpenOS的战利品软盘。



Loot Disk List

When floppy disks are inserted into computers their filesystems are automounted and the user can browse the files at will.

However, it is anticipated that a user will want to run the programs provided by loot disks as a natural part of their systems, i.e. they will want to install them. Thus in the explanation of these loot disks, it is omitted and assumed the user runs install after inserting a disk into their computer.

  • builder

    A robot program for automated building following a plan file.

  • data

    A software package for data cards. It contains a set of helpful and advanced data manipulating tools, including md5sum, deflate and inflate for compression, and gpg.

  • dig

    A robot program for digging holes.

  • generator

    A robot program for keeping it powered.

  • internet

    A software package for internet cards. It includes wget, and pastebin.

  • irc

    A minimalistic irc client.

  • maze

    A robot program to build random mazes.

  • network

    A software package for network cards. It includes various in-game LAN tools, including ping.

  • openloader

    A simple bootloader that gives power to choose which system to boot.

  • openos

    Craftable item. It provides a bootable medium and comes with an installer you can invoke by running install. This is OpenComputer's standard operating system, which is to say that when you are reading the documentation, conversing in the forums or irc channel, or posting issues on github (unless otherwise stated) it is assumed the user is running OpenOS. Here is a more detailed explanation of its install process.

  • oppm

    Crafted using a plain floppy and an interweb. Here is a more detailed explanation of its usage.

  • plan9k

    An alternative operating system by Magik6k.
