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Keyboard API

This API allows you to refer to key codes by name, using the keyboard.keys table. This is a two-directional table, for example, the value of keyboard.keys.numpad0 is 0x52, and the value of keyboard.keys[0x52] is the string numpad0.

Please see the Lua file containing the API's implementation for the list of available names.

Additionally it registers event listeners to keep track of the state of individual keys. This internal state can be queried using the following functions:

  • keyboard.isAltDown(): boolean
    Checks if one of the Alt keys is currently being held by some user.
  • keyboard.isControl(char: number): boolean
    Checks if the specified character (from a keyboard event for example) is a control character as defined by Java's Character class. Control characters are usually not printable.
  • keyboard.isControlDown(): boolean
    Checks if one of the Control keys is currently being held by some user.
  • keyboard.isKeyDown(charOrCode: any): boolean
    Checks if a specific key is currently being by some user. If a number is specified it is assumed it's a key code. If a string is specified it is assumed it's a single character, such as the ones passed by keyboard events.
  • keyboard.isShiftDown(): boolean
    Checks if one of the Shift keys is currently being held by some user.
