**This is an old revision of the document!**







  • 注意:OC 1.4版本后,附属模组可以注册通过CPU提供的架构,因此你无需添加一种电脑方块/物品了。可以通过手持CPU时潜行右键单击来切换其提供的架构。



架构的生命周期大致为:实例化,initialize(),反复执行runThreaded() / runSynchronized()close() [, 转到 initialize()]。

  • 执行机被创建时,架构即被创建。
  • 执行机启动或重启时,会要求initialize()自身。通常来说代表着创建底层虚拟机。
  • 驱动架构的标准方法是通过runThreaded()函数,它由执行器线程调用。架构的状态应在此处处理。其返回值类型被执行机用于调度。注意:此方法不应抛出异常。你有责任处理所有错误,并在需要的时候将它们转换为代表报错的返回值。
  • 需要有一个特殊执行结果来表示进行“同步调用”。这个返回值会告诉执行机下次需要用runSynchronized()来驱动架构。这种调用一定会由MC服务端线程执行,代表着可以安全地在此回调函数中与世界交互。
  • 执行机停止时会调用close()函数。然后释放所有打开的资源。




组件可能有一些回调函数声明为“直接调用”,此外它们可能还会定义“调用上限”。默认情况下,所有的组件回调函数都是同步调用,即架构必须保证这些函数只能由runSynchronized()调用。 直接调用的调用上限限制了单个执行机每tick调用某一个函数的次数。限制本身由执行机的invoke方法确保实现,此方法会在调用次数过多时抛出LimitReachedException异常。此时架构应当短暂休眠,或者改为执行非同步调用。

  • 注意:在写这段内容的时候,我发现我忘记了把一些执行检查所需的方法放入API中。这将在下一个API更新中得到修复,使这些方法在Component接口中可用。现在的话,要么将它们反射进去,要么从OC源码自行构建模组。我对此表示抱歉。

Example code

Let's say you have some VM that provides the following interfaces:

/** The VM itself. This is just an example, it's not a "real" interface. */
public interface PseudoVM {
  Object[] run(Object[] args) throws Exception;
  void setApiFunction(String name, PseudoNativeFunction value);
/** Interface defining callbacks provided by the host. */
public interface PseudoNativeFunction {
  Object invoke(Object[] args);

A very primitive architecture implementation might look something like this:

/** This is the class you implement; Architecture is from the OC API. */
public class PseudoArchitecture implements Architecture {
  private final Machine machine;
  private PseudoVM vm;
  /** The constructor must have exactly this signature. */
  public PseudoArchitecture(Machine machine) {
    this.machine = machine;
  public boolean isInitialized() { return true; }
  public void recomputeMemory() {}
  public boolean initialize() {
    // Set up new VM here, and register all API callbacks you want to
    // provide to it.
    vm = new PseudoVM();
    vm.setApiFunction("invoke", new PseudoNativeFunction() {
      public Object invoke(Object[] args) {
        final String address = (String)args[0];
        final String method = (String)args[1];
        final Object[] params = (Object[])args[2];
        try {
          return new Object[]{true, machine.invoke(address, method, params)};
        catch (e LimitReachedException) {
          // Perform logic also used to sleep / perform synchronized calls.
          // In this example we'll follow a protocol where if this returns
          // (true, something) the call succeeded, if it returns (false)
          // the limit was reached.
          // The script running in the VM is then supposed to return control
          // to the caller initiating the current execution (e.g. by yielding
          // if supported, or just returning, when in an event driven system).
          return new Object[]{false};
    vm.setApiFunction("isDirect", new PseudoNativeFunction() {
      public Object invoke(Object[] args) {
        final String address = (String)args[0];
        final String method = (String)args[1];
        final Node node = machine.node().network().node(address);
        if (node instanceof Component) {
          final Component component = (Component) node;
          if (component.canBeSeenFrom(machine.node())) {
            final Callback callback = machine.methods(node.host()).get(method);
            if (callback != null) {
              return callback.direct();
        return false;
    // ... more callbacks.
    return true;
  void close() {
    vm = null;
  ExecutionResult runThreaded(boolean isSynchronizedReturn) {
    // Perform stepping in here. Usually you'll want to resume the VM
    // by passing it the next signal from the queue, but you may decide
    // to allow your VM to poll for signals manually.
    try {
      final Signal signal;
      if (isSynchronizedReturn) {
        // Don't pull signals when we're coming back from a sync call,
        // since we're in the middle of something else!
        signal = null;
      else {
        signal = machine.popSignal();
      final Object[] result;
      if (signal != null) {
        result = vm.run(new Object[]{signal.name(), signal.args()});
      else {
        result = vm.run(null);
      // You'll want to define some internal protocol by which to decide
      // when to perform a synchronized call. Let's say we expect the VM
      // to return either a number for a sleep, a boolean to indicate
      // shutdown/reboot and anything else a pending synchronous call.
      if (result != null) {
        if (result[0] instanceof Boolean) {
          return new ExecutionResult.Shutdown((Boolean)result[0]);
        if (result[0] instanceof Integer) {
          return new ExecutionResult.Sleep((Integer)result[0]);
      // If this is returned, the next 'resume' will be runSynchronized.
      // The next call to runThreaded after that call will have the
      // isSynchronizedReturn argument set to true.
      return new ExecutionResult.SynchronizedCall();
    catch (Throwable t) {
      return new ExecutionResult.Error(t.toString);
  void runSynchronized() {
    // Synchronized calls are run from the MC server thread, making it
    // easier for callbacks to interact with the world (because sync is
    // taken care for them by the machine / architecture).
    // This means that if some code in the VM starts a sync call it has
    // to *pause* and relinquish control to the host, where we then
    // switch to sync call mode (see runThreaded), wait for the MC server
    // thread, and then do the actual call. It'd be possible to pass the
    // info required for the call out in runThreaded, keep it around in
    // the arch and do the call directly here. For this example, let's
    // assume the state info is kept inside the VM, and the next resume
    // makes it perform the *actual* call. For some pseudo-code handling
    // this in the VM, see below.
  void onConnect() {}
  // Use this to load the VM state, if it can be persisted.
  void load(NBTTagCompound nbt) {}
  // Use this to save the VM state, if it can be persisted.
  void save(NBTTagCompound nbt) {}

Some pseudo-code for handling synchronized calls in the VM:

private def invokeSynchronous(address, method, ...) {
  yield; // This is where it returns to runThreaded().
   // This is where we enter in runSynchronized();
  val result = native.invoke(address, method, ...);
  // See definition of invoke in initialize() for values of result.
  yield; // And return to runSynchronized();
  // And the next runThreaded() enters again.
  return result[1];
private def invokeDirect(address, method, ...) {
  val result = native.invoke(address, method, ...);
  // See definition of invoke in initialize() for values of result.
  if (result[0] == true) {
    return result[1];
  else {
    return invokeSynchronous(address, method, ...);
def invoke(address, method, ...) {
  if (isDirect(address, method)) {
    return invokeDirect(address, method, ...);
  else {
    return invokeSynchronous(address, method, ...);


