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Component: Redstone

This component represents a Redstone card.

The tier one Redstone Card only supports vanilla redstone functionality (single-line analog redstone). Tier two provides interoperation with other mods' redstone systems (bundled, wireless). For bundled input/output we currently only support ProjectRed for Minecraft 1.12. In older versions we supported: RedLogic, Project Red (with Version 1.1), MineFactory Reloaded. For wireless redstone, the following mods are supported: WR-CBE, SlimeVoid's WR.

get* and set* method overloads

Starting in patch release 1.7.3 the redstone component provides overloaded flavors of getInput, getOuput, setInput, getBundledInput, getBundledOutput, and setBundledOutput.

get* and set* call costs

The get methods are “direct” calls and are practically free. From testing I was able to call getInput 20,000 to 22,000 times per second.

The set methods are not “direct”, and thus can only be called once per tick, at most. Thus, ~20 times per second. In addition to their indirect cost (consuming the rest of the tick) if the set call changes any output levels, there is an additional delay imposed on the machine. By default set calls can change outputs approximately 6 times per second.

One of the significant advantages of using these overloaded variants is that any api call cost is paid once per call, not once per each value set.

Component name: redstone.

  • getInput(side: number): number
    getInput(): table
    Returns current incoming (non-bundled) redstone values. getInput(side) returns the redstone level from the specified side. getInput() returns a table of redstone levels from all sides.

    Note that the table returned is zero based. That is because the keys of the table are the ordinal values of the sides, and sides.bottom is 0.
    Note also that the side is relative to the computer's orientation, i.e. sides.south is in front of the computer, not south in the world. Likewise, sides.left is to the left of the computer, so when you look at the computer's front, it'll be to your right.
    If you use mods such as RedLogic the input may exceed the vanilla values of [0, 15].

lua> component.redstone.getInput(sides.left)
lua> component.redstone.getInput(sides.right)
lua> component.redstone.getInput()
lua> component.redstone.getInput()[sides.bottom]
  • getOutput(side: number): number
    getOutput(): table
    Gets the currently set output on the specified side, or the set value of all sides if called with no arguments
lua> component.redstone.getOutput(sides.left)
lua> component.redstone.getOutput() [sides.left]
  • setOutput(side: number, value: number): number
    setOutput(values: table): table
    Sets the strength of the redstone signal to emit. Returns the old value. This can be an arbitrarily large number for mods that support this. The first variant of this method takes a side and the redstone strength to apply to just that side. setOutput(values) allows you to set the redstone strength of all sides (or a subset of sides) in a single call.
  • getBundledInput(side: number, color: number): number
    getBundledInput(side: number): table
    getBundledInput(): table
    Like getInput, but for bundled input, reading the value for the channel with the specified API/Colors.
    As of OC 1.3: only available on a tier two redstone card.

    getBundledInput(side, color) returns the strength of the incoming redstone value on the specified side on the specified color channel.
    getBundledInput(side) returns a table (Map[Int, Int] structure) of redstone values on the specified side in a bundled pack, indexed by color.
    getBundledInput() returns all redstone values, of all sides and all colors. It is a Map[Int, Map[Int, Int]] structure. The top level keys are in [0, 5] range, values of sides (keep in mind sides.bottom is zero). The child map of each side is the same data structure returned by getBundledInput(side).

  • getBundledOutput(side: number, color: number): number
    getBundledOutput(side: number): table
    getBundledOutput(): table
    Like getOutput, but for bundled output, getting the values previously set that the device is emitting.
    As of OC 1.3: only available on a tier two redstone card.
  • setBundledOutput(side: number, color: number, value: number): number
    Like setOutput, but for bundled output, setting the value for the channel with the specified API/Colors. Returns the previous values set. setBundledOutput(side, values) sets a pack of color-indexed redstone values, [0, 15]. colors.white is zero. The values table doesn't have to be contiguous, and values omitted are left unchanged. setBundledOutput(values) allows you to set redstone levels for any side and any color in a single api call.
    As of OC 1.3: only available on a tier two redstone card.
lua> component.redstone.setBundledOutput(sides.left, { [colors.white] = 15 } ) -- only sets 1 output
lua> component.redstone.setBundledOutput({ [sides.left] = { [colors.white] = 15 } } ) -- same as above
  • getComparatorInput(side:number):number
    Get the comparator input on the specified side.
  • getWirelessInput():number
    Get the wireless redstone input.
    Added in OC 1.3. Only available on tier two redstone cards.
  • getWirelessOutput():boolean
    Get the wireless redstone output.
    Added in OC 1.3. Only available on tier two redstone cards.
  • setWirelessOutput(value:boolean):boolean
    Set the wireless redstone output.
    Added in OC 1.3. Only available on tier two redstone cards.
  • getWirelessFrequency():number
    Get the currently set wireless redstone frequency.
    Added in OC 1.3. Only available on tier two redstone cards.
  • setWirelessFrequency(frequency:number):number
    Set the wireless redstone frequency to use.
    Added in OC 1.3. Only available on tier two redstone cards.
  • getWakeThreshold():number
    Gets the current wake-up threshold.
  • setWakeThreshold(threshold:number):number
    Sets the wake-up threshold to the specified number.

Note that for mods such as ProjectRed, low values (such as the vanilla maximum of 15) may not function as expected for simple on/off values (opening a door for example), because they have a larger value range. You may need to use a higher value, such as 255.

Example use:

local component = require("component")
local sides = require("sides")
local colors = require("colors")
local rs = component.redstone -- get primary redstone component
rs.setBundledOutput(sides.bottom, colors.green, rs.getBundledInput(sides.top, colors.red))
