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此组件由显卡提供。对简单程序而言只需使用term(终端) API即可满足需求。而为了实现更复杂的操作或提高运行性能,你可能会需要直接与GPU交互。

OC 1.3中的2级与3级屏幕有16色的调色板。调色板的作用是决定显示RGB颜色时使用的具体颜色。

对二级屏幕而言,调色板包含的颜色即为屏幕能显示的所有颜色,默认为Minecraft的16种标准颜色。这种特性带来的副作用是你可以使用例如这样的写法:gpu.setBackground(colors.red, true)(使用color API而不是16进制颜色,见函数的描述)。请注意这种写法仅可用于2级屏幕




  • 显存缓冲区
    1. OC 1.7.5 Developer builds加入,会在下个发行版(OC 1.8)推出

    - bind(address: string[, reset: boolean=true]): boolean[, string]
    尝试将GPU绑定到给定地址对应的屏幕。若成功返回true,若失败返回false和一条报错信息。若reset参数为true则重置屏幕的设置。 一个GPU同一时间只能被绑定到一块屏幕。在其上进行的一切操作都会在所绑定的屏幕上进行。如果你希望同时控制多块屏幕,则需要在电脑中安装多张显卡。

  • getScreen():string
  • getBackground(): number, boolean
    获取当前的背景色。背景色会被应用于一切其他操作改动的“像素”上。 请注意返回值可能是16进制的RGB颜色值,即0xRRGGBB,也可能是调色板索引号。第二个返回值代表了第一个返回值是上述哪一种(true代表调色板颜色, false代表RGB颜色值)。
  • setBackground(color: number[, isPaletteIndex: boolean]): number[, index]
  • getForeground(): number, boolean
  • setForeground(color: number[, isPaletteIndex: boolean]): number[, index]
  • getPaletteColor(index: number): number
  • setPaletteColor(index: number, value: number): number
  • maxDepth(): number
  • getDepth(): number
  • setDepth(bit: number): string
  • maxResolution(): number, number
  • getResolution(): number, number
  • setResolution(width: number, height: number): boolean
  • getViewport(): number, number
  • setViewport(width: number, height: number): boolean
  • getSize(): number, number
  • get(x: number, y: number): string, number, number, number or nil, number or nil
    Gets the character currently being displayed at the specified coordinates. The second and third returned values are the fore- and background color, as hexvalues. If the colors are from the palette, the fourth and fifth values specify the palette index of the color, otherwise they are nil.
  • set(x: number, y: number, value: string[, vertical:boolean]): boolean
    Writes a string to the screen, starting at the specified coordinates. The string will be copied to the screen's buffer directly, in a single row. This means even if the specified string contains line breaks, these will just be printed as special characters, the string will not be displayed over multiple lines. Returns true if the string was set to the buffer, false otherwise.
    The optional fourth argument makes the specified text get printed vertically instead, if true.
  • copy(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, tx: number, ty: number): boolean
    Copies a portion of the screens buffer to another location. The source rectangle is specified by the x, y, width and height parameters. The target rectangle is defined by x + tx, y + ty, width and height. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
  • fill(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, char: string): boolean
    Fills a rectangle in the screen buffer with the specified character. The target rectangle is specified by the x and y coordinates and the rectangle's width and height. The fill character char must be a string of length one, i.e. a single character. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
    Note that filling screens with spaces ( ) is usually less expensive, i.e. consumes less energy, because it is considered a “clear” operation (see config).

Example use:

local component = require("component")
local gpu = component.gpu -- get primary gpu component
local w, h = gpu.getResolution()
gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ") -- clears the screen
gpu.fill(1, 1, w/2, h/2, "X") -- fill top left quarter of screen
gpu.copy(1, 1, w/2, h/2, w/2, h/2) -- copy top left quarter of screen to lower right

GPU Color Depth

Color Depth (see gpu.setDepth and gpu.getDepth) can be 1, 4, or 8 bits separately for foreground and background. These depths provide 2, 16, and 256 colors respectively.

The color value (the number passed to gpu.setBackground and gpu.setForeground) is interpreted either as a 8 bits per channel rgb value (24 bit color) or a palette index.

RGB Color

The background and foreground colors, as set by calling setBackground and setForeground, are defined by a value (number) and is_palette (boolean) pair (the boolean being optional).

When is_palette is false (or nil), value is interpreted as a 24 bit rgb color (0xRRGGBB), regardless of depth. However, the color is approximated to the closest available color in the given depth. In monochrome, zero rounds to zero and all nonzero values round to 1 (and the configured monochrome color is used). In 4 bit color, the closest available color in the palette is selected. In 8 bit color the closest color of the available 256 colors is used. The available 256 colors are described in the following table:

Image by Eunomiac

Palette Color

When is_palette is true, value is interpreted as palette index [0, 16). If you switch from a higher bit density to monochrome note that the color value from the palette is used to determine zero vs the nonzero monochrome color. It is an error to specify a paletted color (i.e. an index value and true) in 1 bit depth.

Changing Depth

Note that the original color pair (the value number and palette bool) are preserved (background and foreground each) even when switching bit depths. The actual rendering on the screen will update to respect the new depth, but the original 24bit rgb value (or palette index) is not lost. For example, calling gpu.getBackground while in 1 bit mode will return the original 24 bit rgb value specified from any previous color depth.

Video Ram Buffers

A GPU card has internal memory that you can allocate into pages. You can specify a custom page size (width and height each must be greater than zero). The total memory of a GPU is reduced by the width*height of an allocation. Each tier of gpu has more total memory than the last. Each page buffer acts like an offscreen Screen with its own width, height, and color. The max color depth of a gpu buffer is based on the gpu tier. Rebooting a machine releases all bufffers.

Each page buffer has its own index; the gpu finds the next available index. Index zero (0) has a special meaning, it is reserved for the screen. Whether a gpu is bound to a screen or not, you can allocate pages, set them active, and read/write to them. Attaching and detaching a screen, even binding to a new screen, does not release the gpu pages. When a computer shuts off or reboots, the pages are released. Each GPU has its own video memory and pages.

Budget and Energy Costs

Updates to vram (set, copy, fill, etc) are nearly free. They have no energy cost and no additional budget cost. Every direct component invoke (and these gpu methods are direct) has a tiny system minimum budget cost, but the gpu itself in these vram updates adds no additional cost. When bitblt'ing the vram to the screen there is some cost, similar to how updates to the screen normally incur a cost. A dirty (modified) vram back buffer has a one time budget cost that increases with the size of the source buffer. Subsequent bitblts from a clean back buffer to the screen have extremely low costs.

  • getActiveBuffer(): number
    Returns the index of the currently selected buffer. 0 is reserved for the screen, and may return 0 even when there is no screen
  • setActiveBuffer(index: number): number
    Sets the active buffer to index. 0 is reserved for the screen and can be set even when there is no screen. Returns nil for an invalid index (0 is valid even with no screen)
  • buffers(): table
    Returns an array of all current page indexes (0 is not included in this list, that is reserved for the screen).
  • allocateBuffer([width: number, height: number]): number
    Allocates a new buffer with dimensions width*heigh (gpu max resolution by default). Returns the index of this new buffer or error when there is not enough video memory. A buffer can be allocated even when there is no screen bound to this gpu. Index 0 is always reserved for the screen and thus the lowest possible index of an allocated buffer is always 1.
  • freeBuffer([index: number]): boolean
    Removes buffer at index (default: current buffer index). Returns true if the buffer was removed. When you remove the currently selected buffer, the gpu automatically switches back to index 0 (reserved for a screen)
  • freeAllBuffers()
    Removes all buffers, freeing all video memory. The buffer index is always 0 after this call.
  • totalMemory(): number
    Returns the total memory size of the gpu vram. This does not include the screen.
  • freeMemory(): number
    Returns the total free memory not allocated to buffers. This does not include the screen.
  • getBufferSize([index: number]): number, number
    Returns the buffer size at index (default: current buffer index). Returns the screen resolution for index 0. Returns nil for invalid indexes
  • bitblt([dst: number, col: number, row: number, width: number, height: number, src: number, fromCol: number, fromRow: number])
    Copy a region from buffer to buffer, screen to buffer, or buffer to screen. Defaults:
    • dst = 0, the screen
    • col, row = 1,1
    • width, height = resolution of the destination buffer
    • src = the current buffer
    • fromCol, fromRow = 1,1 bitblt should preform very fast on repeated use. If the buffer is dirty there is an initial higher cost to sync the buffer with the destination object. If you have a large number of updates to make with frequent bitblts, consider making multiple and smaller buffers. If you plan to use a static buffer (one with few or no updatse), then a large buffer is just fine. Returns true on success
