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component:transposer [2018/03/02 04:23]
component:transposer [2018/09/21 07:23]
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 Callbacks: Callbacks:
-- `transferFluid(sourceSide:​number,​ sinkSide:​number,​ count:​number):​number` ​  +- `transferFluid(sourceSide:​number,​ sinkSide:​number,​ count:​number):​boolean, ​number` ​  
-  Transfer some items between two inventories.+  Transfer some fluids ​between two fluid handlers (pipes or tanks, etc). `sourceSide` is the side pulled from and `sinkSide` is the side transferred to. As with all side parameters, the side is relative the front facing perspective of the computer machine controlling the component. `count` is the number of millibuckets to transfers. Returns true and the number of millibuckets transfered on success, or false and an error message on failure.
 - `store(side:​number,​ slot:​number,​ dbAddress:​string,​ dbSlot:​number):​boolean`  ​ - `store(side:​number,​ slot:​number,​ dbAddress:​string,​ dbSlot:​number):​boolean`  ​
   Store an item stack description in the specified slot of the database with the specified address.   Store an item stack description in the specified slot of the database with the specified address.