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component:internet:zh [2023/11/05 10:52]
component:internet:zh [2023/11/05 10:56] (current)
hfsr [HTTP请求对象]
Line 33: Line 33:
   确认套接字已连接。若连接失败会报错。  ​   确认套接字已连接。若连接失败会报错。  ​
   \\   \\
-- `id():​string` ​+- `id():​string` ​ 
   返回此套接字的ID。   返回此套接字的ID。
Line 40: Line 40:
 - `read([n:​number]):​string`  ​ - `read([n:​number]):​string`  ​
-  ​Tries to read data from the response. Returns the read byte array.+  ​尝试从响应中读取数据。返回读取到的字节数组。 ​  
 +  \\
 - `response():​number,​ string, table`  ​ - `response():​number,​ string, table`  ​
-  ​Get response code, message and headers.+  ​获取响应码、响应信息与响应头。 ​  
 +  \\
 - `close()`  ​ - `close()`  ​
-  ​Closes an open socket stream.+  ​关闭某个已打开的套接字流。 ​  
 +  \\
 - `finishConnect():​boolean`  ​ - `finishConnect():​boolean`  ​
-  ​Ensures a response is available. Errors if the connection failed.+  ​确认套接字已连接。若连接失败会报错。
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