**This is an old revision of the document!**

The Debug Card, which is only available in creative mode, provides a set of fairly dangerous functionality for use in setting things up to debug and test code. Do not use the Debug Card without backups. No, really. One time I accidentally converted a vertical slice of the world entirely to Sign objects with no writing on them.

The debug card's “container” refers to the robot or computer with a debug card installed in it.

  • debug.getWorld(): userdata returns a World object (see below) that can manipulate the world containing the container of the debug card.
  • debug.getPlayer(): userdata returns a Player object (see below) that can interact with the player.
  • debug.getX(): number
  • debug.getY(): number
  • debug.getZ(): number Returns the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the container.
  • debug.changeBuffer(number): number Alters the power stored in the container's energy buffer.