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api [2014/07/06 16:31]
api [2017/08/12 14:40] (current)
guard13007 [Custom Libraries] guid was renamed to uuid
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-First and foremost you should get familiar with the [[http://​www.lua.org/​manual/​5.2/​manual.html|Lua reference manual]], if you are new to Lua. You will find most basic Lua functionality explained there, as well as a bunch of standard library functions.+First and foremost you should get familiar with the [[http://​www.lua.org/​manual/​5.3/​manual.html|Lua reference manual]], if you are new to Lua. You will find most basic Lua functionality explained there, as well as a bunch of standard library functions.
-OpenComputers makes an effort to largely emulate the standard library in areas that would usually interact with the host system - that being the I/O library. There are a few differences,​ which you can look up here: [[NonstandardLuaLibs|differences in the standard libraries]]. Most notably, the debug library is mostly ​ unavailable,​ and `load` only accepts text source files, no binary / pre-compiled Lua programs (for security reasons).+OpenComputers makes an effort to largely emulate the standard library in areas that would usually interact with the host system - that being the I/O library. There are a few differences,​ which you can look up here: [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs|differences in the standard libraries]]. Most notably, the debug library is mostly unavailable,​ and `load` only accepts text source files, no binary / pre-compiled Lua programs (for security reasons).
-Note that you now need to `require` all non-standard APIs (including the ones below) ​before you use them, i.e. all modules not listed in the [[http://​www.lua.org/​manual/​5.2/​manual.html|Lua reference manual]]. +These standard libraries are available in the global environment and thus are immediately available; meaning they do not need to be loaded in your scripts to be accessible. 
-For example, instead of simple going `local rs = component.redstone`,​ you now need to require the component API, like so:+ 
 +  * [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs#​coroutine_manipulation|coroutine]] 
 +  * [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs#​debug|debug]] 
 +  * [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs#​input_and_output_facilities|io]] 
 +  * [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs#​mathematical_functions|math]] 
 +  * [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs#​operating_system_facilities|os]] 
 +  * [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs#​Modules|package]] 
 +  * `print` Not a library, but a commonly used standard method for printing text to stdout. 
 +print("​hello world"​) 
 +  * [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs#​string_manipulation|string]] 
 +  * [[api:​non-standard-lua-libs#​table_manipulation|table]] 
 +Custom Libraries 
 +Following is a description of the non-standard libraries, provided for convenience. 
 +Note that you need to `require` all non-standard APIs before you use them, i.e. all modules not listed in the [[http://​www.lua.org/​manual/​5.3/​manual.html|Lua reference manual]] nor in [#​standard_libraries]. For example, instead of simple going `local rs = component.redstone`,​ you now need to require the component API, like so:
 ```lua ```lua
Line 20: Line 41:
 local rs = mycomp.redstone local rs = mycomp.redstone
 ``` ```
-The same applies for all other APIs listed below (even Sides and Colors). +The same applies for all other APIs listed below (even `sides` ​and `colors`).
- +
-Custom Libraries +
 The standard libraries aside, OpenComputers comes with a couple of additional, built-in libraries. Here is a list of all these libraries. Note that some of these may not be usable depending on your configuration (HTTP) and context (Robot library on computers), but they'​ll still be there. The standard libraries aside, OpenComputers comes with a couple of additional, built-in libraries. Here is a list of all these libraries. Note that some of these may not be usable depending on your configuration (HTTP) and context (Robot library on computers), but they'​ll still be there.
-- [[Buffer|Buffer]]: a Lua `FILE*` API buffer implementation for wrapping streams. +- [[api:buffer|buffer]]: a Lua `FILE*` API buffer implementation for wrapping streams. 
-- [[Colors|Colors]]: a global table that allows referencing standard Minecraft colors by name. +- [[api:colors|colors]]: a global table that allows referencing standard Minecraft colors by name. 
-- [[Component|Component]]: look-up and management of components attached to the computer. +- [[api:​component|component]]: look-up and management of components attached to the computer. 
-- [[Computer|Computer]]: information on and interactions with the computer the Lua state is running on. +- [[api:​computer|computer]]: information on and interactions with the computer the Lua state is running on. 
-- [[Event|Event]]: a very rudimentary ​event system ​(intended for libraries) and filtered signal ​pulling. +- [[api:event|event]]: an event system, often used by libraries, for pulling ​and registering handlers to signals
-- [[FileSystem|FileSystem]]: abstracted interaction with file system components. +- [[api:uuid|uuid]]: creates long unique identifier strings in the common 8-4-4-4-12 format. 
-- [[Internet|Internet]]: a wrapper for Internet Card functionality. +- [[api:​fileSystem|filesystem]]: abstracted interaction with file system components. 
-- [[Keyboard|Keyboard]]: a table of key codes by name and pressed key tracking. +- [[api:​internet|internet]]: a wrapper for Internet Card functionality. 
-- [[Note|Note]]: converts music notes between their real name, their MIDI code and their frequency +- [[api:​keyboard|keyboard]]: a table of key codes by name and pressed key tracking. 
-- [[Process|Process]]: keeps track of running programs and their environments +- [[api:note|note]]: converts music notes between their real name, their MIDI code and their frequency 
-- [[Robot|Robot]]: abstracted access to robot actions. +- [[api:process|process]]: keeps track of running programs and their environments. 
-- [[Serialization|Serialization]]: allows serialization of values, e.g. for sending them via the network. +- [[api:rc|rc]]: provides automatic program execution and service management. 
-- [[Shell|Shell]]: working path tracking and program execution. +- [[api:​robot|robot]]: abstracted access to robot actions. 
-- [[Sides|Sides]]: a global table that allows referencing sides by name. +- [[api:​serialization|serialization]]: allows serialization of values, e.g. for sending them via the network. 
-- [[Term|Term]]: provides ​a simple readline implementation ​and text output. +- [[api:shell|shell]]: working path tracking and program execution. 
-- [[Text|Text]]: provides text utilities such as serialization and tab to space conversion. +- [[api:sides|sides]]: a global table that allows referencing sides by name. 
-- [[Unicode|Unicode]]: provides Unicode aware implementations of some functions in the string library.+- [[api:term|term]]: provides ​the concept of the cursor, to read and write from keyboard input and screen ​output, respectively
 +- [[api:text|text]]: provides text utilities such as tab to space conversion. 
 +- [[api:thread|thread]]: provides autonomous and non-blocking cooperative threads. 
 +- [[api:​transforms|transforms]]:​ provides helpful and advanced table manipulators. 
 +- [[api:​unicode|unicode]]: provides Unicode aware implementations of some functions in the string library. 