Component: Hologram ================== This component is provided by the [[block:hologram_projector|Hologram Projector]]. These can be used to create holographic projections in a resolution of 48x32x48, over a maximum area of 9x6x9 blocks. Tier two holograms do not provide a higher resolution, instead they allow using up to three colors in the displayed hologram (as opposed to just one for the tier one hologram). Component name: `hologram`. Callbacks: - `clear()` Clears the hologram. - `get(x:number, y:number, z:number):number` Returns the value at the specified position. - `set(x:number, y:number, z:number, value:number or boolean)` Set the value for the specified position. - `fill(x:number, z:number[, minY:number], maxY:number, value:number)` Fills an interval in the specified column column with the specified value. Will overwrite only the voxels in the interval. If `minY` is omitted it defaults to 1. The two interval ends are inclusive. //Note:// Before 1.3.3 there was no `minY` argument and all voxels below and including the specified height would be set, all voxels above would be unset. - `copy(x:number, z:number, sx:number, sz:number, tx:number, tz:number)` Copies an area of columns by the specified translation. - `getScale():number` Returns the current render scale of the hologram. - `setScale(value:number)` Set the render scale. A larger scale consumes more energy. The minimum scale is 0.33, where the hologram will fit in a single block space, the maximum scale is 3, where the hologram will take up a 9x6x9 block space. - `getTranslation:number, number, number` Return the current translation offset. - `setTranslation(x:number, y:number, z:number)` Set the translation vector. The hologram display will be offset by this vector from its normal location. The maximum allowable translation is a function of tier. Units are the hologram's size, so the distance translated increases and decreases with scale as well. - `maxDepth():number` The color depth supported by the hologram. - `getPaletteColor(index:number):number` Get the hex color defined for the specified value. - `setPaletteColor(index:number, value:number):number` Set the hex color defined for the specified value. Simple example program that allows setting individual voxels: ```lua local component = require("component") local hologram = component.hologram local args = {...} hologram.set(tonumber(args[1]), tonumber(args[2]), tonumber(args[3]), args[4] == "true" or args[4] == "on") ``` Example use (assuming it's saved as `holo-set.lua`): `# holo-set 16 8 20 true` Further examples: - [Holo Flow]( This program generates a heightmap and 'moves' across it over time, creating the effect of a flowing terrain. - [Holo Text]( This program generates a random heightmap and displays scrolling text above it. Note, the second example is quite a bit more advanced then the first. **Important**: both scripts also need the [noise.lua]( script to be in the same folder. ---- {{page>component:contents&noheader&noeditbutton&nouser&nofooter}}