====NetworkController Trait API==== - `getCpus():table` Get a list of tables representing the available CPUs in the network. - `getCraftables([filter:table]):table` Get a list of known item recipes. These can be used to issue crafting requests. - `getItemsInNetwork([filter:table]):table` Get a list of the stored items in the network. - `store([filter:table,] [dbAddress:string,] [startSlot:number,] [count:number]): bool` Store items in the network matching the specified filter in the database with the specified address. - `getFluidsInNetwork():table` Get a list of the stored fluids in the network. - `getAvgPowerInjection():number` Get the average power injection into the network. - `getAvgPowerUsage():number` Get the average power usage of the network. - `getIdlePowerUsage():number` Get the idle power usage of the network. - `getMaxStoredPower():number` Get the maximum stored power in the network. - `getStoredPower():number` Get the stored power in the network. ====Craftable API==== - `getItemStack():table` Returns the item stack representation of the crafting result. - `request([amount:int[, prioritizePower:boolean[, cpuName:string]]]):userdata` Requests the item to be crafted, returning an object that allows tracking the crafting status. ====CraftingStatus API==== - `isCanceled():boolean` Get whether the crafting request has been canceled. - `isDone():boolean` Get whether the crafting request is done. ====Environment API==== - `getEnergyStored():number` Returns the amount of stored energy on the connected side. - `getMaxEnergyStored():number` Returns the maximum amount of stored energy on the connected side. - `canExtract():number` Returns whether this component can have energy extracted from the connected side. - `canReceive():number` Returns whether this component can receive energy on the connected side. ====Interface API==== - `getInterfaceConfiguration([slot:number]):table` Get the configuration of the interface. - `setInterfaceConfiguration([slot:number][, database:address, entry:number[, size:number]]):boolean` Configure the interface. ====ImportBus API==== - `getImportConfiguration(side:number[, slot:number]):boolean` Get the configuration of the import bus pointing in the specified direction. - `setImportConfiguration(side:number[, slot:number][, database:address, entry:number]):boolean` Configure the import bus pointing in the specified direction to import item stacks matching the specified descriptor. ====ExportBus API==== - `getExportConfiguration(side:number, [ slot:number]):boolean` Get the configuration of the export bus pointing in the specified direction. - `setExportConfiguration(side:number[, slot:number][, database:address, entry:number):boolean` Configure the export bus pointing in the specified direction to export item stacks matching the specified descriptor. - `exportIntoSlot(side:number, slot:number):boolean` Make the export bus facing the specified direction perform a single export operation into the specified slot.