Component: Abstract Bus ==================== This card allows for interfacing with [Stargate Tech 2]('s Abstract Bus system. Component name: `abstract_bus`. Callbacks: - `getEnabled(): boolean` Returns whether the local bus interface is enabled. - `setEnabled(enabled: boolean)` Sets whether the local bus interface should be enabled - `getAddress(): number` Returns the local interface address. `number` is a 16 bit hexadecimal number (0xFFFF being a broadcast). Returns `0` if an address has not yet been set. - `setAddress(address: number)` Sets the local interface address. `number` is a 16bit hexadecimal number. - `scan(mask: number): table` Scans the abstract bus for attached devices and returns them in a list. - `send(address: number, data: table): boolean` Sends data across the abstract bus. The table `data` is in the form of key-value pairs, e.g. ``` lua> component.abstract_bus.send(0xFFFF, { ["action"]="dial", ["address"]="Losomdeh Salothirt Erpac" }) ``` * See SGTech2 documentation for more info on the Abstract Bus. - `maxPacketSize(): number` Returns the maximum size a packet can be sent over the bus. The abstract bus generates a signal named `bus_message` if a message is received. See the [[signals|signals reference]]. ---- {{page>component:contents&noheader&noeditbutton&nouser&nofooter}}