Keyboard API =========== This API allows you to refer to key codes by name, using the `keyboard.keys` table. This is a two-directional table, for example, the value of `keyboard.keys.numpad0` is `0x52`, and the value of `keyboard.keys[0x52]` is the string `numpad0`. Please see [the Lua file containing the API's implementation]( for the list of available names. Additionally it registers event listeners to keep track of the state of individual keys. This internal state can be queried using the following functions: - `keyboard.isAltDown(): boolean` Checks if one of the Alt keys is currently being held by some user. - `keyboard.isControl(char: number): boolean` Checks if the specified character (from a keyboard event for example) is a control character as defined by Java's `Character` class. Control characters are usually not printable. - `keyboard.isControlDown(): boolean` Checks if one of the Control keys is currently being held by some user. - `keyboard.isKeyDown(charOrCode: any): boolean` Checks if a specific key is currently being by some user. If a number is specified it is assumed it's a key code. If a string is specified it is assumed it's a single character, such as the ones passed by keyboard events. - `keyboard.isShiftDown(): boolean` Checks if one of the Shift keys is currently being held by some user. [keyboard]: Contents ----------- {{page>api:contents&noheader&noeditbutton&nouser&nofooter}}