Colors API ========= This "API" serves a global table that allows you to refer to colors by their name, instead of their associated ID/number. The table serves as a look-up in both directions, so for example `` has the value `11`, whereas `colors[11]` has the string value `blue`. These are the defined colors: - White (`white`), Number: 0 - Orange (`orange`), Number: 1 - Magenta (`magenta`), Number: 2 - Light Blue (`lightblue`), Number: 3 - Yellow (`yellow`), Number: 4 - Lime (`lime`), Number: 5 - Pink (`pink`), Number: 6 - Gray (`gray`), Number: 7 - Silver (`silver`), Number: 8 - Cyan (`cyan`), Number: 9 - Purple (`purple`), Number: 10 - Blue (`blue`), Number: 11 - Brown (`brown`), Number: 12 - Green (`green`), Number: 13 - Red (`red`), Number: 14 - Black (`black`), Number: 15 Note that the indexing starts at zero, not one. Useful for setting or getting bundled redstone output or input, for example: ```lua local component = require("component") local colors = require("colors") local rs = rs.setBundledOutput(sides.back,, rs.getBundledInput(sides.front, ``` would output the back signal strength to the front. Contents ----------- {{page>api:contents&noheader&noeditbutton&nouser&nofooter}}