Component: Hologram

This component is provided by the Hologram Projector.
These can be used to create holographic projections in a resolution of 48x32x48, over a maximum area of 9x6x9 blocks. Tier two holograms do not provide a higher resolution, instead they allow using up to three colors in the displayed hologram (as opposed to just one for the tier one hologram).

Component name: hologram.

Simple example program that allows setting individual voxels:

local component = require("component")
local hologram = component.hologram
local args = {...}
hologram.set(tonumber(args[1]), tonumber(args[2]), tonumber(args[3]), args[4] == "true" or args[4] == "on")

Example use (assuming it's saved as holo-set.lua):
# holo-set 16 8 20 true

Further examples:

Note, the second example is quite a bit more advanced then the first. Important: both scripts also need the noise.lua script to be in the same folder.