3D Printer ================= This component is provided by the [[block:3d_printer|3D Printer]] block. Component name: `printer3d`. Callbacks: - `commit(count:number):boolean` Commit and begin printing the current configuration. - `setLabel(value:string)` Set the label for the volume being printed. - `getLabel():string` Get the current label for the volume being printed. - `setTooltip(value:string)` Sets the tooltip for the volume being printed. - `getTooltip():string` Gets the current tooltip of the volume being printed. - `setButtonMode(value:boolean)` Set whether the printed block should automatically return to its off state. - `isButtonMode():boolean` Gets whether the printed block should automatically return to its off state. - `setRedstoneEmitter(value:boolean)` Sets whether the printed block should emit a redstone signal while in its active state. - `isRedstoneEmitter():boolean` Gets whether the printed block should emit a redstone signal while in its active state. - `addShape(minX:number, minY:number, minZ:number, maxX:number, maxY:number, maxZ:number, texture:string [,state:boolean = false] [,tint:number])` Adds the shape to the printer's current configuration, optionally specifying whether it is for the off or on state. - `getShapeCount():number` Gets the number of shapes in the current configuration. - `getMaxShapeCount():number` Gets the maximum allowed number of shapes. - `status():string, number or boolean` The current state of the printer, 'busy' or 'idle' (string), followed by the progress (number) or model validity (boolean), respectively. - `reset()` Resets the current job for the printer and stops printing (current job being printed will finish). Contents ------------------ {{page>component:contents&noheader&noeditbutton&nouser&nofooter}}