Sides API ======== This "API" provides a global table to allow you to refer to sides / directions by name, as opposed to their numbers. The underlying number values are identical to Minecraft's internal numbering (as well as the `ForgeDirection` Enum). This table serves as a two-directional look-up, so you can resolve names to numbers, but also numbers back to a human readable name. For example, `` has the value `1`, whereas `sides[1]` has the string value `top`. A couple of aliases for the side names are available, so it's less likely to accidentally pick the wrong one. These are the basic values: - Bottom (`bottom`), Number: 0 - Top (`top`), Number: 1 - Back (`back`), Number: 2 - Front (`front`), Number: 3 - Right (`right`), Number: 4 - Left (`left`), Number: 5 The following aliases are defined per default: - Bottom: `down`, `negy` - Top: `up`, `posy` - Back: `north`, `negz` - Front: `south`, `posz`, `forward` - Right: `west`, `negx` - Left: `east`, `posx` Useful for setting or getting redstone outputs or inputs, for example: ```lua local component = require("component") local sides = require("sides") local rs = rs.setOutput(sides.back, rs.getInput(sides.left)) ``` Contents ----------- {{page>api:contents&noheader&noeditbutton&nouser&nofooter}}